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AJ Naylor
Art on Glass
Single Windows
Our Lady of Lourdes, Dagenham
Our Lady Queen of Peace, Worcester
Pentecost, Shipston on Stour 1
Porch angels, Shipston on Stour 2
Series of Windows
Creation and the New Creation, Dundee
Window 1: The Void
Window 2: The Resurrection
Window 3: The Last Rites
Window 4: The Firmament
Window 5: Baptism
Window 6: The Temptation
Window 7: The Scottish Window
Window 8: The Woman at the Well
Window 9: The Almond Tree
Window 10: Saint Margaret of Scotland
Window 11: The Sun & the Planets
Window 12: Reconciliation
Window 13: Saints Peter & Andrew
Window 14: The Eucharistic Bread
Window 15: The Eucharistic Wine
Window 16: Confirmation
Window 17: Saints Leonard & Fergus
Window 18: Holy Matrimony
Window 19: Adam & Eve
Window 20: The Sower
Theme A: The Days of Creation
Theme B: The Ministry of Jesus
Theme C: The Seven Sacraments
About Us
Tony Naylor (The Artist)
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